General Buddhism

General Buddhism

Databases (Find Articles and Reports)

Brill Books and Journals Online For current UWest patrons only.

Brill is an academic publisher with specialties in humanities and social sciences.

Search with your keyword at the left under Refine Search > AllA green icon next to a title will indicate full text access.
Non-UWest patrons: Alternative access.

Digital Library & Museum of Buddhist Studies Mixed abstract and full-text.

Aims to cover many different online resources for the study of Buddhism. Including canons, journal articles, dissertations, and more.

FoGuangPedia Collection Mixed abstract and full-text.

FoGuangPedia 佛光百科 is a collaborative platform for understanding, researching, discussing and sharing information on Humanistic Buddhism 人間佛教, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's works and collections 星雲大師文集, Fo Guang Shan's terminologies 佛光山詞彙, Buddhism Q&A 佛學問答, Buddhist translations, and many others information and topics related to the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism in English. Also: academic papers, books, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's collections, newsletters, FGS translations, ritual & ceremony, Ch'an meditation materials,lectures, teaching materials, etc.

Google Scholar @ UWest Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

Use the power of Google to search for books, articles, and online resources. Access via UWest to incorporate our full text database resources.

👩‍🏫 Short 5 min. tutorial on accessing library resources with Google Scholar: PDF, Video. If you encounter an error such as "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key" or any of the other functions/features of Google Scholar, then use the personalized Google Scholar setup instead.

Non-Uwest patrons: Alternative access.

INBUDS: Indian and Buddhist Studies Treatise Database Mixed abstract and full-text.

Bibliographic database of Buddhism related articles & books published in Japan. Includes articles in many languages, including English.

JSTOR (Collection I-VII) Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

Includes titles such as: The Journal of Asian Studies, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Numen, Inner Asia, and more. Non-UWest users can access certain articles in the Register and Read program.

PhilPapers Mixed abstract and full-text.

"PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers."

ProQuest Religion For current UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

This database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.

South Asia Research Documentation Services 3 (SARDS3) Abstract only.

" electronic database containing bibliographic references to South Asia research articles published in journals, collective volumes, conference proceedings, Festschriften, etc."

Southeast Asian Archaeology Bibliographic Database Abstract only.

" electronic database containing bibliographic references to South Asia research articles published in journals, collective volumes, conference proceedings, Festschriften, etc."

《瑜伽師地論》資料庫 Mixed abstract and full-text.

瑜伽師地論》(Yogācārabhūmi) 是印度大乘佛教瑜伽行派和中國法相宗之源流,亦是玄奘西行取經求法之動機。內容記載著瑜伽師(禪師)的修行階位與境界之百科全書。
本資料庫採用TEI的標籤集(tag sets),標記(markup)《瑜伽師地論》之異譯本、注釋書、梵文原典、藏譯本等電子資料,將其結構特色(structural features)作互參(cross-reference) 標記,以便相互對照。

Canons and Primary Sources

Gandhāran Buddhist Texts

An ongoing project that provides scans of manuscripts and inscriptions under its collections.

Research Material for the Manchu Buddhist Canon

Comprising many important texts including the Heart Sutra and the Diamond-cutter Sutra in the Manchu language.

Siddham: The Asia Inscriptions Database

Focused on Central and Southeast Asian inscriptions found in the period of the Guptas (circa 320-550).

Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies)

Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages Abstract only.

This is a working bibliography of translations of Chinese Buddhist texts from the Taishō edition of the canon. Some translations of extra-canonical Chinese Buddhist texts are included.

Buddhist Author Authority Database Abstract only.

Cross referencing names of important figures in Buddhism as wells as citations of their publications.

Buddhist Studies Person Authority Databases 人名規範資料庫

From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing names of important individuals in Buddhism.

Buddhist Studies Place Authority Databases 地名規範資料庫

From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing names of important geographic locations in Buddhism.

Critical Pāli Dictionary Online

Includes searching the dictionary online and a guide to Pāli text abbreviations.

DDBC Glossaries Search

From the  Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, this online search engine searches for terms across multiple Buddhist dictionaries and glossaries.

Database of Religious History

"...the world’s first comprehensive online quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious cultural history." Select the 'browse' link to begin your search.

Digital Dictionaries of South East Asia

Includes Pali, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Sinhala, and more.

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.

A compilation of Buddhist terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. found in Buddhist canonical sources with indices to other major Buddhist dictionaries. Unlimited search available via link above.

  • Non-UWest patrons can login with "guest" (limited to 10 searches per day)
  • Android app: DDB Access (unlimited search does not work off campus, use 'guest' to make up to 10 searches)
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative

"The Cultural Atlas Portal links examples of cultural atlases developed globally into a Web Site. The ECAI Clearinghouse is a collection of spatio-temporal datasets and TimeMap mapspaces. Other useful information include other related & featured projects."

Encyclopedia of Religion For current UWest patrons only.

Includes explanations of Buddhist terms and concepts.

H-Buddhism Bibliography Project Abstract only.

A comprehensive, open, online bibliography for the field of Buddhist studies, managed by H-Buddhism, the online network of scholars of Buddhism.

NTI Buddhist Text Reader

A general purpose Chinese text reader and Chinese-English dictionary with an emphasis on Buddhist terminology.

Online Guide to Scholarly Resources in Buddhism Abstract only.

Bibliography of topics in Buddhist studies.

Oxford Bibliographies for Buddhism For current UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

Provides concise overviews and annotated bibliographies for Buddhism related topics. Access the bibliographies by browsing through an alphabetical list, using the 'Jump To' shortcut, or searching with keywords.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

A scholarly and refereed encyclopedia hosted by Stanford University.

Time Authority Database 時間規範資料庫

From the Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫, cross referencing calendars and measurements of time in Buddhist literature.


Correspondences of Buddhist canonical terms (with canonical and textual references) in Japanese, Chinese, English, Sanskrit, Tibetan. Thus far focusing on terms found in: Abhidharma-kośa 倶舎論 and Mahāyāna śatadharmā-prakāśamukha śāstra 大乗百法明門論.

Dissertations & Theses

佛教相關博碩士論文提要檢索系統 Abstract only.

Searchable index of Buddhist dissertations from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.

Related Books

Related Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)

Buddhist Studies Review Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only.

BSR is the journal of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies. The journal publishes scholarly and peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of Buddhism. There are multiple holdings of this journal. One is UWest only.

Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Select items at the resource for UWest patrons only. Mixed abstract and full-text.

A publication of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.